Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, January 28, 1914

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January 28, 1914.

Lord Howard de Walden is starting a movement with the admirable object of reinvigorating the drama in Wales by forming a travelling troupe of first-rate actors. It is rumoured that an option has already been obtained on a native comedian who is at present a member of the Cabinet.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer received last week a deputation of the Men of Kent in order to hear their views in support of the preservation of the custom of gavelkind; and many persons, we believe, were surprised to hear that it is a custom and not a disease.

Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, in a speech at Dundee last week, described Mr. Churchill as the worst Liberal First Lord of the Admiralty that had ever occupied the position. It is reported that the right honourable gentleman is having a large number of copies of this statement printed off as a testimonial.

"The Labour organ, The Evening Chronicle," says a Johannesburg telegram, "appeared to-day with the leader column blank." The leaders were, of course, all in gaol.

In addition to Sir Ernest Shackleton's little party an Austrian expedition to the Antarctic is also being organised. Such persons as were intending to go to these regions in the hope of finding quiet and rest there would do well to hesitate, for it looks as if they may be rather overcrowded.

"The American Ambassador," we read last week, "is confined to his room at the Embassy owing to a cold." Colds, we know, are nasty catching things, but we consider it shows cowardice on the part of the staff to have, apparently, locked their chief in his room.

The Duke of Atholl celebrated his jubilee as head of the house of Stewart-Murray last week. In these days to have remained a Duke for so long as fifty years shows no little grit.

"A Farnham resident," a contemporary informs us, "was badly stung by a wasp last week." At this time of year these insects are apt to sting badly, but in the summer they do it quite well.

The Roman Temple which has occupied a prominent position in the grounds of the Crystal Palace during the last three years is to be removed to Bath, and re-erected there. To the grave regret of the élite of Sydenham, an attempt to get Kew to take over the large glass house has failed.

A little while ago, at the Palladium, there was a Moore and Burgess revival. It has evidently been discovered that there is a taste for this sort of entertainment, for it is now announced that Mr. Oscar Asche will produce this year a play by Sir Rider Haggard in which the popular actor and his wife will appear as Zulus.

Joseph, we read, is to be produced at Covent Garden next week. Apparently Sir Herbert Tree's friend has now parted from his Brethren.

A lady in the front of the first circle at Drury Lane, The Express tells us, laughed so heartily the other day in the paper-hanging scene that her artificial teeth fell out and dropped into the stalls. This accentuates the importance of having one's teeth plainly marked with one's name and address.
