Showing: 5651-5660 results of 23918

WHEN first "Things as they are" trod the untrodden way, it walked as a small child walks when for the first time it ventures forth upon young, uncertain feet. It has to walk; it does not know why: it only knows there is no choice about it. But there is an eager looking for an outstretched hand, and an instant gratefulness always, for even a finger. A whole hand given without reserve is something... more...

INDIA'S UNREST India has been called the land of quiet repose, content to remain anchored to the hoary past, and proud of her immobility. Invasion after invasion has swept over her; but—"The East bowed low before the blast,In patient, deep disdain;She let the legions thunder past,And plunged in thought again." Yet this same India is now throbbing with discontent, and is breathing, in all... more...

Preface. I can now, in my mind’s eye, see Chickka, the washerman, as if I had met him yesterday; and I can see the mud houses of Singonahully, the mud wall of the village, and the temple of Runga, as if they were all before me. Yet five and thirty years are passed and gone since the afternoon when, in quest of medical aid, I rode past the village, hoping yet to see it the abode of many follower’s... more...

Dear JoanThe Far North calls and I am on my way:—There lies the port; the vessel puffs her sail.There gloom the dark broad seas.      *       *       *       *       *The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks. Why write as if I had taken a lifelong vow of separation from the British Isles and all things civilized, when after all it is only one short year out of my allotted span of... more...

CHAPTER I THE POWER OF PRAYERTHE following account of some of the experiences which eventually led to the formation of theChina Inland Mission, and to its taking the form in which it has been developed, first appeared in the pages ofChina's Millions. Many of those who read it there asked that it might appear in separate form. Miss Guinness incorporated it in theStory of the China Inland Mission, a... more...

INTRODUCTIONTWENTY-ONE years ago, on 19th February 1896, Pastor Hsi, to quote the words of his biographer, "was translated to higher service." Those who read the fascinating and wonderful story of his life by Mrs. Howard Taylor will at once be interested inThe Fulfilment of a Dream, which is the story of the work in Hwochow, and gives the account of the carrying on of the spiritual labour of... more...

I have felt for many years that we missionaries were far too prone to dwell on what is called the "bright side of mission work." That it has a bright side no one can question. That it has a "dark" side some do question; but I for one, after thirty years of experience, know it to be just as true as the bright side is true. I have heard Miss Carmichael's book denounced as... more...

Read at the Crowning of the Serra Statue, Monterey, Nov. 23, 1913. The fickle world ofttimes applauds the riseOf men whose laurels are but vainly won,Whose deeds their names could not immortalizeFor their soul-toils were wrought for transient ends;But heroes of the Cross, they truly greatShall live, their halo shall no hand of fate Have power to rob, albeit oblivious yearsMay veil the radiance of their... more...

I A WEEK IN JAPAN The Pacific Ocean was very kind to us, for it answered to its name, and was pacific beyond all our expectations. Sixteen days of smooth seas and lovely weather brought us by way of Honolulu to Yokohama. Only the last day of our voyage was dark and rainy. But though the rain continued after our landing, Japan was picturesque. On four out of our six days we drove about, shut up in... more...

EDITH TRIES TO EXPLAIN. “I do think Edith is the queerest girl I ever saw in all my life!” said Marty Ashford. “Don't jump up and down behind my chair that way, Marty,” said her mother; “you shake me so that I can scarcely hold my needle. What does Edith do that is so queer?” “Oh, she's always putting ten into things.” “Putting ten into things?” “Yes'm. I mean when... more...