Showing: 4611-4620 results of 23918

INTRODUCTION What are the requisites of a child's laboratory? What essentials must we provide if we would deliberately plan an environment to promote the developmental possibilities of play? These questions are raised with ever-increasing insistence as the true nature of children's play and its educational significance come to be matters of more general knowledge and the selection of play... more...

THE ANGEL OF THOUGHT (Suggested by a Fra Angelico Angel) Angel of Thought, meseems God winged thee so, And crowned thine head with passion fine as flame, And made thy lifted face too pure for shame, With eyes and brow a mirror to His glow;— And gave thy lips a golden trump, that, though Long years have passed since other angels came To work the mighty wonders of His name,— In God's own name... more...

PREFATORY NOTE. T HE Pierpont Morgan Library, itself a work of art, contains masterpieces of painting and sculpture, rare books, and illuminated manuscripts. Scholars generally are perhaps not aware that it also possesses the oldest Latin manuscripts in America, including several that even the greatest European libraries would be proud to own. The collection is also admirably representative of the... more...

The simple story of the life of Pocahontas is sufficiently romantic without the embellishments which have been wrought on it either by the vanity of Captain Smith or the natural pride of the descendants of this dusky princess who have been ennobled by the smallest rivulet of her red blood. That she was a child of remarkable intelligence, and that she early showed a tender regard for the whites and... more...

[109] Lavatera Trimestris. Annual Lavatera. Class and Order. Monadelphia Polyandria. Generic Character. Calyx duplex: exterior 3-fidus. Arilli plurimi, monospermi. Specific Character and Synonyms. LAVATERA trimestris caule scabro herbaceo, foliis glabris, pedunculis unifloris, fructibus orbiculo tectis. Linn. Sp. Pl. 974. Hort. Kew. v. 2. p. 452. LAVATERA (althææfolia) foliis infimis... more...

ALL THAT MATTERSWhen all that matters shall be written downAnd the long record of our years is told,Where sham, like flesh, must perish and grow cold;When the tomb closes on our fair renownAnd priest and layman, sage and motleyed clownMust quit the places which they dearly hold,What to our credit shall we find enscrolled?And what shall be the jewels of our crown?I fancy we shall hear to our... more...

INTRODUCTION. Till within a comparatively recent period but little study was given to exceptional formations. They were considered as monsters to be shunned, as lawless deviations from the ordinary rule, unworthy the attention of botanists, or at best as objects of mere curiosity. By those whose notions of structure and conformation did not extend beyond the details necessary to distinguish one species... more...

A series of 17 pocket gophers of the species Thomomys umbrinus obtained in 1943 from points 3, 4 and 5 miles south of Pátzcuaro proves upon comparison to be an hitherto unrecognized subspecies which is described and named as follows: Thomomys umbrinus pullus, new subspecies Type.—Male, adult, skin and skull; No. 100151, Univ. California Mus. Vert. Zool.; 5 mi. S Pátzcuaro, 7800 ft., Michoacán,... more...

[73] Monsonia speciosa. Large-flower'd Monsonia. Class and Order. Polyadelphia Dodecandria. Generic Character. Cal. 5-phyllus. Cor. 5-petala. Stam. 15. connata in 5 filamenta. Stylus 5-fidus. Caps. 5-cocca. Specific Character and Synonyms. MONSONIA speciosa foliis quinatis: foliolis bipinnatis, Lin. Syst. Vegetab. p. 697. MONSONIA grandiflora. Burm. prodr. 23. N73The genus of which this charming... more...

INTRODUCTION. HOW I, LUCIA DACRE, CAME TO WRITE THIS HISTORY, AT THE TIME THAT I WITH MY SISTER WAS LODGED IN A DESERTED HOUSE IN LONDON, WHEN THE GREAT PLAGUE WAS AT ITS HEIGHT; WHICH WAS IN THE MONTHS OF JULY AND AUGUST, ANNO SIXTEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE. Now that my sister and myself are in such a strange melancholy case, and I enforced to spend many hours daily in idleness, I find the time hang... more...