The Interlude of Wealth and Health

by: Anonymous

Language: English
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¶ Here entreth Welth, and Helth Г…Вїynging together
a balet of two partes, and after Г…Вїpeaketh

Why is there no curteГ…Вїy, now I am come
I tcowe that all the people be dume
Or els Г…Вїo god helpe me and halydum
They were almost a fleepe.
No wordes I harde, nor yet no talking
No inГ…Вїtrument went nor ballattes Г…Вїynging
What ayles you all thus to Г…Вїyt dreaming10
Of whom take ye care?
Of my coming ye may be glad
Therefore I pray you be nof Г…Вїad
For all your deГ…Вїyre Г…Вїhall be had
I can amende your cheare
By God I thinke ye haue forgotten me
I am welth of this realme looke upon me
For I am to euery man louing and freendly
For welth hath no pere.

Helth.Brother welth haue ye not yet doone?
ye prayГ…Вїe your Г…Вїelfe aboue the moone
Euery man may perceyue therby Г…Вїoone
That you lacke diГ…ВїcreГ…Вїyon

Weith.Wherfore, by god I cannot Г…Вїay to much
Iam Г…Вїo welthy of Г…ВїubГ…Вїtaunce and rych
In all the worlde where is one Г…Вїuch
As I am ofcompariГ…Вїon.

Helth.Welth is good I cannot denay
Yet prayГ…Вїe your Г…Вїelfe Г…Вїo muche ye may
For welth oftentimes doth decay30
And welth is nothing Г…Вїure.

Welth.Welth hath ben euer in this countrey
And here I purpoГ…Вїe Г…Вїtyll for to be
For this is the lande moГ…Вїt mete for me
And here I wyll endure.

HealthTherin ye Г…Вїpeake full louingle
For in this realme welth Г…Вїhould be
yeth no diГ…ВїpleaГ…Вїure I pray you hartely
But in the way of communicacion.
And for paГ…Вїtyme I would Г…Вїpeake Г…Вїome wayes40
Of no compariГ…Вїon, nor to you no dyГ…Вїpayre,
I doo not intende that maner alwayes,
But for a recreation,

WealthBrother what Г…Вїoeuer ye Г…Вїay to me.
I wyll heare you paciently
I am content and I thanke you hartely
Begyn and Г…Вїay your pleaГ…Вїure

HealthI thanke you hartely then wyll I
Some what unto my purpoГ…Вїe apply
Though welth be praiГ…Вїed marualufly
Yet to myne underГ…Вїtanding.
Welth is mutable, and that iu Г…Вїhame
And welth is hauty and proude of name
Welth is cruell, and in great blame
For welth ts euer wauerynge.

Wealth.To whom haue I doone any harme can ye Г…Вїay,
Ye Г…Вїtander me nowe, yet I truГ…Вїt I may
AunГ…Вїwere for my Г…Вїelte in euery maner way
Ye wyl not deny that?

HealthGod forbyd but ye Г…Вїhould do Г…Вїo60
And ye may doo it whether I wyl or no
InlykewiГ…Вїe, I muГ…Вїt anГ…Вїwer you alГ…Вїo
When ye Г…Вїay not true.
Though I be but to you a poore man
yet helth I height, the Г…Вїame I am
That is deГ…Вїyred vniuerГ…Вїally than
Some calles me as good as you

Welth.As I, mary ther in deede ye do compare.
Such wordes myght brynge you Г…Вїoone in care
Lewde parГ…Вїon, thouart not ware70
Of what Г…ВїubГ…Вїtaunce I am

Health.Yes I can tell what you are, be not dyГ…ВїpleaГ…Вїed
welth is of great Г…ВїubГ…Вїtaunce, that cannot be denyed
yet Г…Вїhew your comodities, and ye Г…Вїhalbe anГ…Вїwerrd
I promyГ…Вїe you wellh is fugitiue.

wealthWhat Г…ВїayГ…Вїt thou, am I a fagetyue
I was neuer Г…Вїo taken vp in my lyfe
Nor called vnГ…Вїure, well I wyll make no Г…Вїtryfe
yet where as thou doГ…Вїt Г…Вїay,
Thai I Г…Вїhould Г…Вїhow my commodityes alwayes80
The beГ…Вїt for my Г…Вїelfe wherof I aГ…Вїke prayГ…Вїe
yf I Г…Вїhoulde Г…Вїtand her all my lyfe dayes
yet I coulde not Г…Вїay....

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