Showing: 851-860 results of 1453

by: Various
DUNHEVED CASTLE, CORNWALL. These mouldering ruins occupy the crest of the hill, upon which stands the town of Launceston, near the centre of the eastern side of the county of Cornwall. They are the works of a thousand years since, when might triumphed over right with an unsparing hand, and when men perpetrated by fire and sword millions of murders, which, through the ignorance and credulity of their... more...

by: Various
We select this Engraving as an illustration of the elaborate sculptural decoration employed in domestic architecture about three centuries since; but more particularly as a specimen of the embellishment of the ecclesiastical residences of that period. It represents a chimney-piece erected in the Bishop's palace at Exeter, by Peter Courtenay, who was consecrated Bishop of Exeter, A.D. 1477, and... more...

by: Various
PREFACE. Here we are with our Nineteenth Volume complete. We do not carry it to Court to gain patronage, neither do we preface it with a costly dedication to a purse-proud patron; but we present it at the levee of the people, as a production in which the information and amusement of one and all are equally kept in view. We know that instances have occurred of authors tiring out their patrons. A... more...

by: Various
MONKEY ISLAND. This picturesque spot is situate in the middle of the river Thames, near Cliefden, Bucks, and about three-quarters of a mile from the village of Bray. It was purchased and decorated for the enjoyment of fishing parties by the third Duke of Marlborough. Upon its fine sward he erected a small rustic building called Monkey Hall, from the embellishments of the interior being in part... more...

by: Various
THE BRAHMIN BULL, IN THE ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS, REGENT'S PARK. The Zoological Society possess several Zebus, or Indian oxen. These were formerly considered a distinct species, but zoologists are now of opinion that the Zebu is merely a variety of the common ox, "although," as Mr. Bennett observes, "it is difficult to ascertain the causes by which the distinctive characters of the two... more...

by: Various
ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS, REGENTS'S PARK.Emu EnclosurePelican EnclosureAviary for Small BirdsOur strolls to this scene of intellectual amusement, (or "the gardens with a long name," as Lord Mulgrave's new heroine naively calls them,) are neither few nor far between. The acquaintance is of some standing, since The Mirror was the first journal that contained any pictorial representation of... more...

by: Various
MELROSE ABBEY(From a finished sketch, by a Correspondent.)These venerable ruins stand upon the southern bank of the Tweed, in Roxburghshire. The domestic buildings of the monastery are entirely gone; but the remains of the church connected with, as seen in the above Engraving, are described by Mr. Chambers as "the finest specimen of Gothic architecture and Gothic sculpture of which this country... more...

by: Various
ST. PANCRAS (OLD) CHURCH.ST. PANCRAS (OLD) CHURCH.This humble village fane is situated to the north of London, somewhat more than a mile from Holborn Bars. Persons unacquainted with the site, may hitherto have considered it as part and parcel of this vast metropolis: but, lo! here it stands amidst much of its primitive, peaceful rusticity. Pancras is still, by courtesy, called a village, though its... more...

by: Various
SWISS COTTAGE, AT THE COLOSSEUM, IN THE REGENT'S PARK.Swiss Cottage, At The ColosseumIt is now upwards of three years since we directed the attention of our readers to the wonders of this little world of art. The ingenious projector, Mr. Horner, was then polite enough to conduct us throughout the buildings and grounds, and to explain to us the original design of the unfinished works as well as of... more...

by: Various
WILTON CASTLE.Wilton Castle.Here is one of the ivy-mantled relics that lend even a charm to romantic nature on the banks of the Wye. Its shattered tower and crumbling wall, combine with her wild luxuriance, to form a scene of great picturesque beauty, though, as Gilpin observes, "the scene wants accompaniments to give it grandeur." These ruins stand opposite to Ross, on the western bank of the... more...