Showing: 4661-4670 results of 23918

It is evening; the sun is setting, and the shepherd, who tends the flocks of little Mary's Papa, is, with his good little dog, driving the sheep to the fold, where they will rest in safety. That is his cottage which stands on the other side of the road.The tongs stood in the room where Mary oft staid,And the lantern gave light to the hall where she play'd.The table was placed in the corner... more...

  THE FUNNY   A was an Actor, ’Tis clear to your view: B was three Boys, Forming letters for you. C was a clown, who clever was found. D was a dunce, and Harlequin bound, E was soon formed with the aid of a child, F in a frolic appear’d to be wild. G was George Godfrey, a truant I fear, H hand in hand, like two pillars appear. I was an Indian figure for thee: J was Jemima Mermaid, only see. K... more...

HARRISON'S NURSURY PICTURE BOOK, CONTAINING SEVENTY INTERESTING ENGRAVINGS. Printed and published by J. Harrison,AND SOLD BYTHE LONDON BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS.Price Sixpence. ENGRAVINGS.PRINTED BY J. HARRISON, DEVIZES, AND SOLD BY THE London Booksellers and Stationers.PRICE SIXPENCE. The little Pony and his rider. The little Automaton Lady. Crusoe preparing to build a House. Crusoe rescues his... more...

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Don't stop the plough to catch a mouse. II. Disobedience brings its own reward. You need not cry over spilt milk. I. Look before you leap. III. Let sleeping dogs lie. Pride comes before a fall. II. It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good. A stitch in time saves nine. I. Experience makes a man wise. You cannot catch birds by throwing stones at them. I. Appearances are deceitful. Kissing goes... more...

by: Anonymous
Once upon a time, Though I can't say exactly when, There lived, away in the country, A Little Small Red Hen. She wore a nice little apron, And a little sunbonnet too, And she walked picketty pecketty, As little Hens always do.   She had lived the whole of her little life, In the same little house; it stood All by itself, in a lonely spot, Just at the edge of a wood. It was very snug and cosy and... more...

THE ARTIST'S LIFE The father of a young woman who was preparing to become a virtuoso once applied to a famous musical educator for advice regarding the future career of his daughter. "I want her to become one of the greatest pianists America has ever produced," he said. "She has talent, good health, unlimited ambition, a good general education, and she is industrious." The educator... more...

CHAPTER I. An Account of Mr. Gamaliel Pickle—The Disposition of his Sister described—He yields to her Solicitations, and returns to the Country. In a certain county of England, bounded on one side by the sea, and at the distance of one hundred miles from the metropolis, lived Gamaliel Pickle, esq.; the father of that hero whose fortunes we propose to record. He was the son of a merchant in London,... more...

CHAPTER I Concerning those which follow "Brother," quod he, "where is now youre dwellyng,Another day if that I sholde you seche?"This yeman hym answerde, in softe speche:"Brother," quod he, "fer in the north contree,Where as I hope som tyme I shal thee see." The Friar's Tale. Chaucer. In the North Riding of Yorkshire, there is a town of such antiquity that its... more...

PREFACE. All diseases originate in the exuberance, deficiency, or retrograde action, of the faculties of the sensorium, as their proximate cause; and consist in the disordered motions of the fibres of the body, as the proximate effect of the exertions of those disordered faculties. The sensorium possesses four distinct powers, or faculties, which are occasionally exerted, and produce all the motions of... more...