The Faithful Promiser

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It has often been felt a delightful exercise by the child of God, to take, night by night, an individual promise and plead it at the mercy-seat. Often are our prayers pointless, from not following, in this respect, the example of the sweet Psalmist of Israel, the Royal Promise pleader, who delighted to direct his finger to some particular “word” of the Faithful Promiser, saying, “Remember Thy word unto Thy servant, on which thou hast caused me to hope!”

The following are a few gleanings from the Promise Treasury,—a few crumbs from “the Master’s Table,” which may serve to help the thoughts in the hour of closet meditation, or the season of sorrow.

St. M——,
December, 1849.

1st Day of Month.

“He is Faithful that Promised.”

“Come now, let us reason together, saith the Lord: Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”—Isaiah i. 18.

Pardoning Grace.

My soul! thy God summons thee to His audience chamber! Infinite purity seeks to reason with infinite vileness! Deity stoops to speak to dust! Dread not the meeting. It is the most gracious, as well as wondrous of all conferences. Jehovah himself breaks silence! He utters the best tidings a lost soul or a lost world can hear: “God is in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing unto men their trespasses.” What! Scarlet sins, and crimson sins! and these all to be forgiven and forgotten! The just God “justifying” the unjust!—the mightiest of all beings, the kindest of all! Oh! what is there in thee to merit such love as this? Thou mightest have known thy God only as the “consuming fire,” and had nothing before thee save “a fearful looking for of vengeance!” This gracious conference bids thee dispel thy fears! It tells thee it is no longer a “fearful,” but a blessed thing to fall into His hands? Hast thou closed with these His overtures? Until thou art at peace with Him, happiness must be a stranger to thy bosom. Though thou hast all else beside, bereft of God thou must be “bereft indeed.” Lord! I come! As thy pardoning grace is freely tendered, so shall I freely accept it. May it be mine, even now, to listen to the gladdening accents, “Son! Daughter! be of good cheer! thy sins, which are many, are all forgiven thee.”


“He is Faithful that Promised.”

“As thy days, so shall thy strength be.”—Deut. xxxiii. 25.

God does not give grace till the hour of trial comes. But when it does come, the amount of grace, and the nature of the special grace required is vouchsafed. My soul, do not dwell with painful apprehension on the future. Do not anticipate coming sorrows; perplexing thyself with the grace needed for future emergencies; to-morrow will bring its promised grace along with to-morrow’s trials. God, wishing to keep His people humble, and dependent on himself, gives not a stock of grace; He metes it out for every day’s exigencies, that they may be constantly “travelling between their own emptiness and Christ’s fulness”—their own weakness and Christ’s strength. But when the exigency comes, thou mayest safely trust an Almighty arm to bear thee through! Is there now some “thorn in the flesh” sent to lacerate thee? Thou mayest have been entreating the Lord for its removal. Thy prayer has, doubtless, been heard and answered; but not in the way, perhaps, expected or desired by thee....

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