Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 98, 19 April 1890

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Monday.Carmen exceptionally excellent. Miss Zélie de Lussan, gifted with a light, pleasant voice, sang admirably. Can't have "Trop de Zélie." Mr. Barton McGuckin, as Don Jim-along-José, did all that can be done with this weak-minded soldier. No holes to be picked in Mr. McG.'s performance, though there was a portion of his costume that would have been the better for the attention of Signor Soanso, the Spanish tailor. Perhaps he is one of the "Renters" of Drury Lane. The strongest and most novel situation was the entrance of a horse, which, like the old woman who "lived on nothing but victuals and drink," "wouldn't be quiet," and nearly gave poor Carmen fits. If it had given Mr. Barton McGuckin fits—a pair of them—my previous allusion to the tailor would have lacked a tangible basis of fact. Fancy Carmen frightened by an ordinary horse, not even a dray-horse, of which no Carmen would have been afraid!

The Garden Scene from the Lane.

Tuesday and Friday.—Faust. Signor Runcio, as Faust, up to the mark. Military band of soldiers returned from the wars had apparently conquered the drum of a British regiment. Signor Abramoff (good as Mephistopheles) showed his generous disposition by sharing his red light with Martha when he was talking to her.

Wednesday.—Romeo and Juliet, repetition of last week when the season commenced with Gonoud's masterpiece. Scenery tested the resources of some of the greatest Drury Lane successes. The pantomime in the ball-room was particularly excellent and noticeable.

Thursday.—Mignon, represented by charming Miss Moody. Supported by the dullest of Lotharios, Mr. F. H. Celli. Wilhelm played by a very small tenor—in fact one who looked like a Child. The cast good all round, and a crowded house enthusiastic. One of the best revivals of the season.

Saturday.—Wallace's Lurline in the evening, after Carmen in the morning. "Troubador" just as enchanting as he was twenty years ago. "The silver river," too, "flows on" as sweetly as ever. Good house testifies to the love we all have for home-made music. On the whole a satisfactory week from every point of view. So far—all's well.

(Notes by Mr. Punch's Own Reporter.)

On the last occasion of the Meeting of the above Society a most interesting paper was read by Professor James Jambes, F.R.Z.S., describing a series of experiments to which, in the cause of Science, he had recently submitted himself. Commencing by comparatively small quantities of alcoholic stimulant, he gradually increased the doses until he reached a maximum of three bottles of Brandy and one of Green Chartreuse per diem, abandoning all other work during the period embraced by the experiments. After a fortnight of patient research he was rewarded by the discovery in his immediate neighbourhood of an abundance of blackbeetles, which he was unable to refer to any known species of Orthoptera. These were succeeded by reptiles and beasts of various kinds and colours, specimens of which, owing to their evasiveness, he much regretted to have been unsuccessful in securing....