Showing: 571-580 results of 1453

by: Various
American Missionary Association. We present to our readers, on the opposite page, a picture of Mr. Daniel Hand from a photograph taken some time ago. It presents the likeness of a man of fine physical proportions and with energy and intelligence impressed on the features. The signature at the bottom of the picture is copied from one of Mr. Hand's recent letters, and shows the remarkable physical... more...

by: Various
COMMUNICATIONS Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretaries; letters for "THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY," to the Editor, at the New York Office. DONATIONS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS In drafts, checks, registered letters, or post-office orders, may be sent to H.W. Hubbard, Treasurer, 56 Reade Street, New York, or, when more convenient, to either of the Branch... more...

by: Various
American Missionary Association NOT QUITE FREE. In the November MISSIONARY of last year, the financial statement bore the simple and joyous heading "FREE." This year we are compelled to prefix two qualifying words. Our books closed September 30, with a balance of $5,641.21 on the wrong side. While we regret that there should be any debt, we rejoice that it is no larger. The receipts applicable... more...

by: Various
FINANCIAL—THE DEBT. Our receipts for the eleven months ending August 31st show an increase from collections of $14,452.76; a decrease in legacies of $5,195.52; with a net increase of $9,257.24 over the corresponding months of last year. On the other hand, the expenditures for these eleven months have been $31,835.70 more than those of last year, and hence a debt of over $22,000 is impending. The... more...

by: Various
FORM OF A BEQUEST. "I bequeath to my executor (or executors) the sum of —— dollars, in trust, to pay the same in —— days after my decease to the person who, when the same is payable, shall act as Treasurer of the 'American Missionary Association,' of New York City, to be applied, under the direction of the Executive Committee of the Association, to its charitable uses and... more...

by: Various
American Missionary Association It gives us great pleasure to announce that, at a recent meeting of our Executive Committee, Rev. Wm. M. Taylor, D.D., Pastor of the Broadway Tabernacle, New York, was elected President of the American Missionary Association. The death of our late honored President, ex-Governor Washburn, occurred so short a time before our last Annual Meeting, that no attempt was there... more...

by: Various
AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. This Number of the Missionary will reach our friends, the pastors and the churches, about the first of June, one month before the usual vacation time sends many of the pastors to their much-needed summer rest, and when the churches enter upon the months of small congregations. We wish to remind our friends that the expenditures of a missionary society have no vacation,... more...

by: Various
American Missionary Association. Six months of our fiscal year have come to a close. It may be of interest to our readers to know how our treasury compares with the same period of time last year. During this half-year, there has been an increase in collections of $6,250.73, a decrease in the amount paid in from estates and legacies of $2,880.05, making a balance in the total receipts, of $3,370.68 in... more...

by: Various
American Missionary Association. We acknowledge with gratitude to God and to his people the fact that our receipts during the month of February are such as greatly to encourage us. We are cheered, not only by the benevolences which are reporting themselves from the churches, but also by the kind words of sympathy and helpfulness which show us anew that this great and exigent work upon us was never... more...

by: Various
SHALL CHRIST OR MOHAMMED WIN AFRICA? Ultimately Christ will, as we know by the sure word of prophecy; immediately, Mohammed gains most rapidly, as present facts seem to indicate. The rapid strides of Mohammedanism in Africa have been noticed by nearly all recent explorers and travelers, but the full statement of the fact has been brought forth more vividly in a remarkable book written by a remarkable... more...