Showing: 311-320 results of 1453

by: Various
The troubles between Greece and Turkey are still unsettled, and though the war clouds look lower and more threatening, the storm has not as yet broken. Several matters have, however, been made clearer to us. The first and most important is that there is no such thing as a Concert of the Powers. It has been hinted for some time past that the Powers were not agreed as to the course they should take with... more...

by: Various
Cuba has changed places with Greece this week, and again occupies the most important place in men's thoughts. An American citizen who was arrested there two weeks ago has been found dead in his cell, under very mysterious circumstances. This man was Dr. Ricardo Ruiz. He was born in Cuba, but came to the United States many years ago. He studied dentistry in Philadelphia, lived there several years,... more...

by: Various
There is a rumor that Spain will appeal to the Powers to help her in her Cuban war. It is said that she cannot conquer the Cubans without some aid, and, as she can look for none from the United States, she will appeal to the Powers. Spain, therefore, will try to convince Europe that she ought to receive the same kind of help that was given to Turkey, and that the Cuban Question is of the same nature as... more...

by: Various
There is startling news from Crete. Greece has openly defied the warning of the Powers, and has declared her intention of assisting the little island, and freeing her from the Turkish rule. All Europe is ringing with the spirited reply sent by Greece to the demand that she should submit to the wishes of Europe, and give up her warlike intentions toward Turkey. This reply was short and to the point. It... more...

by: Various
I take pleasure in announcing that I have purchased the entire subscription list and good will of Current Events, and offer you in its stead The Great Round World, a weekly newspaper for boys and girls. You will receive one number of The Great Round World for each number of Current Events due you on your subscription. I make the special offer, to send you The Great Round World every week until December... more...

by: Various
On Saturday, May 1st, the Tennessee Centennial Exposition was formally opened. The object of this Exposition is to celebrate the anniversary of the admission of the State of Tennessee into the Union, one hundred years ago. Tennessee is the first State thus to celebrate its centennial. The ceremonies at the opening of the Exposition were very simple; they had, however, one interesting feature. After the... more...

by: Various
The news from Cuba is not very encouraging. The reforms promised by Spain are not believed in by the Cubans, and the fighting is going on as fiercely as ever. General Gomez, who is the head of the insurgent army, declares that Cuba will never accept anything from Spain but absolute freedom. When he took command of the Cuban army, Gomez made this a condition of his acceptance. He did this because, years... more...

by: Various
With the greatly increased facilities I can now offer to my customers the convenience of an assortment of text-books and supplies more complete than any other in any store in this city. Books will be classified according to subject. Teachers and students are invited to call and refer to the shelves when in search of information; every convenience and assistance will be rendered them. Reading Charts,... more...

by: Various
There does not seem to be any prospect of a settlement of the Turkish troubles. The various European powers have called the Sultan to account for the massacres in Armenia, and laid out a system of reforms, which they think should be made. But this is as far as they have got. "You may lead a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink." The various powers of Europe are learning that this... more...

by: Various
A great deal of interest is being taken in the affairs of Cuba at this time. So many reports reached President McKinley of the sufferings of many of our citizens who are living in Cuba, that he felt it his duty to look into the matter, and he has sent a message to Congress on the subject. The cause of the new trouble is this. Some months ago General Weyler, thinking that the country people supplied the... more...