Mona Gould

Mona Gould
Mona Gould (1908–1999) was a Canadian poet and journalist known for her evocative and emotional writing. She gained prominence for her poem "This Was My Brother," a poignant tribute to her brother who died in World War II. Gould's work often explored themes of love, loss, and the human condition, reflecting her experiences as a war correspondent and her deep empathy for others. In addition to her poetry, she wrote radio scripts and essays, contributing significantly to Canada's literary landscape.

Author's Books:

Colour In the Willows Darling … the colour has come back, in the willows.Remember how it was, last year? Incredibly orange …Little orange willow switchesHardly bending;Remember the white shore roadAnd the blue water in the BayStill fretted with clotted snowAt the sand edge?The sky was a light, high blueAnd all the clouds were little, and frisky.And we kept making wagers about the willowsAt every... more...

Apple Orchard White as popcorn, was the treeAnd underneath it on the leaA little goat looked up at me. Bright and wicked was his glanceIn that orchard's sweet expanseIn a mocking sort of danceMoved his hooves. He was Pan, and he was SpringWith a sudden saucy springOff he flew . . .Just a shadow in the air . . .Was he really ever there? For all Ear-Pinners There are some peopleWho delightIn pinning... more...

I Run With the Fox Better to be proud and huntedThan to ride with the Pink Coats. Better than the smell of warm blood after a quick kill, Bitter and bright the scent of hidden fern. Though the heart fail in the panting sideAnd the eye be clouded with strainingafter the deep copseStill is there thrill in flight —Soft are oak leaves under the swift feet. Sweet are the distant notes of the hunter's... more...