Jacobo Schifter

Jacobo Schifter
Best-seller author with more than 50 books in English and in Spanish.

Author's Books:

A true story of gay and Jewish life in the 1950s both in Costa Rica and Washington DC. It reveals closeted politicians and hidden secrets about Kennedy's assassination.

A unique book that interviews mongers or men who like paid sex in one of the largest sex hotels in Costa Rica. What is interesting about this book is that it interviews and follows both men and women and it does not have any restrictions on the subjects open to be studied. The book is also so funny that you forget it is also an Academic jewel.

What type of sexual relations are allowed in Latin American prisons? This book goes into the life of male prisoners and discovers the different type of relationships allowed and not allowed in the system. The book delves into the lives of men who are not homosexual but end up having sex and love affairs. How do they do it?

Un libro polémico acerca de los mitos sobre el país de "Pura Vida" que abarca una crítica mordaz a la cultura woke y al movimiento lbgtq.

A wonderful study of the life of male sex workers in a downtown brothel. This book reveals how straight guys manage to rent their bodies to gay men and how they cope with having sex when no desire is present. Filled with humor and great insights of a unique site in Central America.