Showing: 61-62 results of 62

EMELIAN THE FOOL In a certain village there lived a mujik, or yeoman, who had three sons; two were clever, but the third was a fool, who was called Emelian.  When the good man had reached an extreme old age, he called all his sons to him, and said: “Dear children, I feel that I have not long to live; I therefore leave you house and cattle, which you will divide in equal portions.  I also leave you... more...

INTRODUCTION The Russians have three grand popular tales, the subjects of which are thievish adventures.  One is called the Story of Klim, another is called the Story of Tim, and the third is called the Story of Tom.  Below we present a translation of the Story of Tim. That part of the tale in which Tim inquires of the drowsy Archimandrite as to the person to whom the stolen pelisse is to be awarded,... more...