Showing: 281-290 results of 336

by: Anonymous
TRADITION."What can he tell that treads thy shore?No legend of thine olden time,No theme on which the mind might soarHigh as thine own in days of yore." The Giaour.—BYRON In the beginning of the eighth century Guernsey was a favoured spot. Around, over the Continent and the British Isles, had swept successive conquests with their grim train of sufferings for the conquered; but these... more...

by: Anonymous
The Letter from James 1:1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are in the Dispersion: Greetings. 1:2 Count it all joy, my , when you fall into various temptations, 1:3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 1:4 Let endurance have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. 1:5 But if any of you lacks wisdom,... more...

by: Anonymous
Obadiah 1:1 The vision of Obadiah. This is what the Lord Yahweh says about Edom. We have heard news from Yahweh, and an ambassador is sent among the nations, saying, "Arise, and let's rise up against her in battle. 1:2 Behold, I have made you small among the nations. You are greatly despised. 1:3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who dwell in the clefts of the rock, whose... more...

by: Anonymous
THE MINSTER. Copied, by permission, from "Good Words."Stone upon stone!Each in its place,For strength and for grace,Rises stone upon stone! Like a cluster of rods,Bound with leaf-garlands tender,The great massive pillarsRise stately and slender;Rise and bend and embraceUntil each owns a brother,As down the long aislesThey stand linked to each other;While a rod of each clusterRises higher and... more...

by: Anonymous
No description available

by: Anonymous
A Mortar. This is made of iron, or of wood, or of stone, and is used to pound spice in for puddings. Boot and Shoes for my father. When you grow a gentleman, you shall have white-top boots and silk strings in your shoes. A Black Hat which is made of wool and fur, and then worn by men and boys. We will go to the hatter’s and buy one. Wool Sack is a large bag, filled with wool from the back of the... more...

by: Anonymous
Malachi 1:1 An oracle: the word of Yahweh to Israel by Malachi. 1:2 "I have loved you," says Yahweh. Yet you say, "How have you loved us?" "Wasn't Esau Jacob's brother?" says Yahweh, "Yet I loved Jacob; 1:3 but Esau I hated, and made his mountains a desolation, and gave his heritage to the jackals of the wilderness." 1:4 Whereas Edom says, "We are beaten... more...

by: Anonymous
CHAPTER I. DEFINITION.—EVERY PERSON HAS SOME SPECIAL VOCATION. Q. What is a vocation? A. A call from God to some state of life. Q. Which are the principal states of life? A. Matrimony, virginity, the religious state, and the priesthood. Q. Has every person a vocation? A. Yes; God gives a special vocation to each person. Q. How is this doctrine proved? A. St. Paul says: "Every one hath his proper... more...

by: Anonymous
CHAPTER I. THE DETACHED LEVER ESCAPEMENT. In this treatise we do not propose to go into the history of this escapement and give a long dissertation on its origin and evolution, but shall confine ourselves strictly to the designing and construction as employed in our best watches. By designing, we mean giving full instructions for drawing an escapement of this kind to the best proportions. The workman... more...

by: Anonymous
Paul's First Letter to Timothy 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus according to the commandment of God our Savior, and Christ Jesus our hope; 1:2 to Timothy, my true child in faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. 1:3 As I urged you when I was going into Macedonia, stay at Ephesus that you might command certain men not to teach a different doctrine, 1:4... more...