Showing: 23101-23110 results of 23918

In July, 1957, members of a field party from the University of Kansas Museum of Natural History, under the direction of Mr. Sydney Anderson, spent 12 days collecting vertebrates in the vicinity of Creel in southwestern Chihuahua. Among the specimens are two snakes representing an undescribed species of the genus Geophis. A description and illustrations of these two specimens were prepared and submitted... more...

In studying the kinds of mammals known from Kansas, I had occasion to examine a series of Perognathus flavus from the western part of the state. Comparisons of these specimens with topotypes of named subspecies revealed that the specimens from Kansas belong to a heretofore undescribed subspecies which ranges through western Nebraska, eastern Colorado, western Kansas, and western Oklahoma. This... more...

A series of 17 pocket gophers of the species Thomomys umbrinus obtained in 1943 from points 3, 4 and 5 miles south of Pátzcuaro proves upon comparison to be an hitherto unrecognized subspecies which is described and named as follows: Thomomys umbrinus pullus, new subspecies Type.—Male, adult, skin and skull; No. 100151, Univ. California Mus. Vert. Zool.; 5 mi. S Pátzcuaro, 7800 ft., Michoacán,... more...

Among small mammals accumulated, from Wyoming, in the Museum of Natural History of the University of Kansas, specimens of the wide-spread species Thomomys talpoides are abundantly represented. Subspecific names are available for most of these, but specimens from the Sierra Madre Mountain Range of Wyoming and Colorado prove upon comparison to pertain to an heretofore unnamed subspecies which may be... more...

The extensive collection of Mexican mammals made by Mr. J. R. Alcorn for the University of Kansas Museum of Natural History contains fourteen piñon mice from lava rocks eight miles northeast of the city of Durango, Mexico. These mice are all much darker than the piñon mice, Peromyscus truei gentilis, of adjoining areas in Durango and Zacatecas and show a superficial resemblance to the widespread P.... more...

I. Method. There is a thinker whose name is today on everybody's lips, who is deemed by acknowledged philosophers worthy of comparison with the greatest, and who, with his pen as well as his brain, has overleapt all technical obstacles, and won himself a reading both outside and inside the schools. Beyond any doubt, and by common consent, Mr Henri Bergson's work will appear to future eyes... more...

A slab of shale obtained in 1955 by Mr. Russell R. Camp from a Pennsylvanian lagoon-deposit in Anderson County, Kansas, has yielded in the laboratory a skeleton of the small amphibian Hesperoherpeton garnettense Peabody (1958). This skeleton provides new and surprising information not available from the holotype, No. 9976 K. U., which consisted only of a scapulocoracoid, neural arch, and rib fragment.... more...

THE PREFACEto all well minded. Art hath her first originall out of experience, which therefore is called the Schoole-mistresse of fooles, because she teacheth infallibly, and plainely, as drawing her knowledge out of the course of Nature, (which neuer failes in the generall) by the senses, feelingly apprehending, and comparing (with the helpe of the minde) the workes of nature; and as in all other... more...

When Gerrit S. Miller, Jr., published his "Revision of the North American Bats of the Family Vespertilionidae" (N. Amer. Fauna, 13:1-140, 3 pls., 39 figs. in text, October 16, 1897), the red bat, Lasiurus borealis, was known from the southern half of Mexico but he did not know that the hoary bat, Lasiurus cinereus, also occurred there. Therefore, the name A[talapha]. mexicana Saussure (Revue et... more...

Long-eared bats obtained by field parties from the University of Kansas in the Mexican states of Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas, are found to belong to the species, Myotis evotis, but are not referable to any named subspecies. They are named and described as follows: Myotis evotis auriculus new subspecies Type.—Female, adult, skin and skull; No. 55110, Univ. Kansas Mus. Nat. Hist.; 10 mi. W... more...