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The Maner of the Tryumphe of Caleys and Bulleyn and The Noble Tryumphant Coronacyon of Quene Anne, Wyfe unto the Most Noble Kynge Henry VIII

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Cum Priuilegio.


I will certyfye you of our newes in the partyes of Caleys. Fyrst the xj. day of October whiche was Fryday in the mornyng at. v. of the clocke the kynges grace toke his Shyppe called the Swallowe and so came to Caleys by. x. of the clocke. And there he was receyved with processyon and with the mayre and the lorde delite and all the speres and the sowdyours in araye with a greate peale of gonnes and laye in Caleys tyll the Sondaye seuenyght after. And on the. xvj. day of October my lorde of Norffolke accompanyed with my lord of Darby and a great nombre of gentilmen besydes mette with the great mayster of Fraunce vj. myles fro Calays at ye englysshe pale the sayd great mayster hauynge two greate lordes in his company of theyr ordre and a hondred gentylmen attendynge vpon them. And there my lorde of Norffolke and the greate mayster deuysed the place where the two kynges sholde mete whiche was at Sandyngfelde. And that done they wente bothe to Caleys with theyr companyes. And the sayd greate mayster with dyuerse other straungers dyned that daye with ye Kynge. And after dyner my lorde of Norffolke brought them forth on theyr way a myle or two and so departed for that tyme. And on the mondaye the. xxj. daye of October the Kyng of Englande toke his waye to mete with the frensshe kyng at the place before appoynted with vij. score all in veluet cotes afore hym lordes and Knyghtes and xl. of his garde and other to the nombre (as we thynke) of. vj. hondred horses and as well horsed as euer was seen. And ye Kyng our mayster mette with the frensshe Kyng at Sandyngfelde within the englysshe pale thre myles. There the frensshe kynge taryed for our mayster the space of an houre or two the frensshe kynge beynge accompanyed with the kynge of Nauerne the cardinal of Loreyn the duke of Vandome and with dyuerse other noblemen well and rychely appoynted beynge of lyke nombre as our kyng was of that is to saye vj. hondred psones. There was the louyngest metyng that euer was seen for the one embraced ye other v. or vj. tymes on horsbacke and so dyd the lordes on eyther party eche to other and so dyd ryde hande in hande with greate loue the space of a myle and than they dyd lyght of theyr horses and dranke eche to other the frensshe kyng dranke fyrst to our kyng and whan they had dronke they embraced eche other agayne with great loue and so rode towards Bulleyn our kynge on the ryght hande. And whan they came within a myle of Bulleyn there mette with the kynges the Dolphyn beynge accompanyed with his two bretherne the duke of Orliaunce and the count or erle of Angolame very goodly chyldren and attendyng vpon them four cardynalles with a M. horses very well beseen. And whan they came nere to ye towne the frensshe kynge caused our mayster to tary whyles ye gonshot was shotte whiche was herd fro Bulleyn. xx. englysshe myles of. And so entered the towne where stode the captayn with the sowdyours in good ordre and aboue them stode a hondred swytsheners of the frensh kynges garde in theyr dublettes and theyr hosen of yelowe veluet cutte goodly persons and aboue them stode cc....