The Farmer's Boy One of R. Caldecott's picture books

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The Farmer's Boy.

WhenI was a farmer, a Farmer's Boy,       I used to keep my master's HORSES,WithaGee-wohere, and aGee-wothere,      And here aGee, and there aGee,      And everywhere aGee;Says I,My pretty lass, will you come to the banks of the Aire oh?WhenI was a farmer, a Farmer's Boy,      I used to keep my master's LAMBS,WithaBaa-baahere, and aBaa-baathere,      And here aBaa, and there aBaa,      And everywhere aBaa;WithaGee-wohere, and aGee-wothere,      And here aGee, and there aGee,      And everywhere aGee;Says I,My pretty lass, will you come to the banks of the Aire oh?WhenI was a farmer, a Farmer's Boy,      I used to keep my master's HENS,WithaChuck-chuckhere, and aChuck-chuckthere,      And here aChuck, and there aChuck,      And everywhere aChuck;WithaBaa-baahere, and aBaa-baathere,      And here aBaa, and there aBaa,      And everywhere aBaa;WithaGee-wohere, and aGee-wothere,              &c.,      &c.,      &c.Says I,My pretty lass, will you come to the banks of the Aire oh?WhenI was a farmer, a Farmer's Boy,      I used to keep my master's PIGS,WithaGrunt-grunthere, and aGrunt-gruntthere,      And here aGrunt, and there aGrunt,      And everywhere aGrunt;WithaChuck-chuckhere, and aChuck-chuckthere,      And here aChuck, and there aChuck,      And everywhere aChuck;WithaBaa-baahere, and aBaa-baathere,          &c.,          &c.,          &c.WithaGee-wohere, and aGee-wothere,          &c.,          &c.,          &c.Says I,My pretty lass, will you come to the banks of the Aire oh?WhenI was a farmer, a Farmer's Boy,      I used to keep my master's DUCKS,WithaQuack-quackhere, and aQuack-quackthere,      And here aQuack, and there aQuack,      And everywhere aQuack;WithaGrunt-grunthere, and aGrunt-gruntthere,          &c.,          &c.,          &c.WithaChuck-chuckhere, &c.WithaBaa-baahere, &c.WithaGee-wohere, &c.Says I,My pretty lass, will you come to the banks of the Aire oh?WhenI was a farmer, a Farmer's Boy,      I used to keep my master's DOGS,WithaBow-wowhere, and aBow-wowthere,      And here aBow, and there aWow,      And everywhere aWow;WithaQuack-quackhere, and aQuack-quackthere,          &c.,          &c.,          &c.WithaGrunt-grunthere, &c.WithaChuck-chuckhere, &c.WithaBaa-baahere, &c.WithaGee-wohere, &c.Says I,My pretty lass, will you come to the banks of the Aire oh?WhenI was a farmer, a Farmer's Boy,      I used to keep my master's CHILDREN,WithaShoutinghere, and aPoutingthere,      And here aShout, and there aPout,      And everywhere aShout;WithaBow-wowhere, and aBow-wowthere,          &c.,          &c.,          &c....