Woods Hutchinson

Woods Hutchinson
Woods Hutchinson was a prominent American physician, author, and public health advocate in the early 20th century. Known for his accessible writing style, he authored popular works such as "The Human Body and Health" and "Instinct and Health," which promoted health education and prevention. Hutchinson was a vocal proponent of public health reforms and often emphasized the importance of nutrition, exercise, and hygiene in maintaining well-being. His work contributed significantly to the spread of modern medical ideas to the general public.

Author's Books:

THE BODY-REPUBLIC AND ITS DEFENSE The human body as a mechanism is far from perfect. It can be beaten or surpassed at almost every point by some product of the machine-shop or some animal. It does almost nothing perfectly or with absolute precision. As Huxley most unexpectedly remarked a score of years ago, "If a manufacturer of optical instruments were to hand us for laboratory use an instrument... more...

PREFACE Looking upon the human body from the physical point of view as the most perfect, most ingeniously economical, and most beautiful of living machines, the author has attempted to write a little handbook of practical instruction for the running of it. And seeing that, like other machines, it derives the whole of its energy from its fuel, the subject of foods—their properties, uses, and methods... more...

I. WAKING UP If there is anything that we all enjoy, it is waking up on a bright spring morning and seeing the sunlight pouring into the room. You all know the poem beginning,— “I remember, I remember The house where I was born; The little window where the sun Came peeping in at morn.” You are feeling fresh and rested and happy after your good night’s sleep and you are eager to be up and out... more...