William J. Burns

William J. Burns
William J. Burns (1861-1932) was a prominent American private investigator and law enforcement official, often dubbed "America's Sherlock Holmes." He founded the William J. Burns International Detective Agency, which gained a reputation for handling high-profile cases and became one of the most respected private detective agencies in the early 20th century. Burns also served as the director of the Bureau of Investigation (now the FBI) from 1921 to 1924, where he was involved in several notable investigations. He authored books such as "The Masked War" and "The Crevice," detailing his experiences in the world of crime and investigation.

Author's Books:

CHAPTER I PENNINGTON LAWTON AND THE GRIM REAPER Had New Illington been part of an empire instead of one of the most important cities in the greatest republic in the world, the cry “The King is dead! Long live the King!” might well have resounded through its streets on that bleak November morning when Pennington Lawton was found dead, seated quietly in his arm-chair by the hearth in the library,... more...