Showing: 831-840 results of 1453

by: Various
DATES AND THE DATE PALM. Even those whose knowledge of the customs of the Orient extends no further than a recollection of the contents of that time-honored story book, the "Arabian Nights," are doubtless aware that, since time immemorial, the date has been the chief food staple of the desert-dwellers of the East. The "handful of dates and gourd of water" form the typical meal and daily... more...

by: Various
“Ladies of the graduating class,—Ladies and Gentlemen: It seems as if words were hardly in place to-night, because of the interesting programme which is before you. I suppose we have no conception of the exercises prepared for us this evening. I never knew of this Institution until Mr. Moore told me of it, and I am particularly glad to be here. “I have often remarked that our New York life is... more...

by: Various
Slavery's Passed Away. As sung in Edward Harrigan's Drama, Words by EDWARD HARRIGAN. Music by DAVE BRAHAM. Copyright, 1887, by Wm. A. Pond & Co. Listen | View/Download Lilypond   1. Oh child come to me and just sit down by my knee,I'll tell that same old story just once more;Of dark, clouded years, oh, so full of bitter tears,In those bondage days of long before the war.In... more...

by: Various
I. Peace, peace, thou over-anxious, foolish heart,Rest, ever-seeking soul, calm, mad desires,Quiet, wild dreams—this is the time of sleep.Hold her more close than life itself. ForgetAll the excitements of the day, forgetAll problems and discomforts. Let the nightTake you unto herself, her blessed self.Peace, peace, thou over-anxious, foolish heart,Rest, ever-seeking soul, calm, mad desires,Quiet,... more...

by: Various
HIS HERO BY MARGARET MINOR It was an October afternoon, and through Indian summer's tulle-like haze a low-swinging sun sent shafts of scarlet light at the highest peaks of the Blue Ridge. The sweet-gum leaves looked like blood-colored stars as they floated slowly to the ground, and brown chestnuts gleamed satin-like through their gaping burs; while over all there rested a dense stillness, cut now... more...

by: Various
INTRODUCTORY To the lovers of Ireland—to those who sympathize with her sufferings and resent her wrongs, there can be few things more interesting than the history of the struggles which sprang from devotion to her cause, and were consecrated by the blood of her patriots. The efforts of the Irish race to burst the fetters that foreign force and native dissensions imposed on them, and elevate their... more...

by: Various
THE THREE KINGS.BY HENRY W. LONGFELLOW.Three Kings came riding from far away,Melchior and Gaspar and Baltazar;Three Wise Men out of the East were they,And they traveled by night and they slept by day,For their guide was a beautiful, wonderful star.The star was so beautiful, large and clear,That all the other stars of the skyBecame a white mist in the atmosphere,And the Wise Men knew that the coming was... more...

by: Various
THE SHEPHERD-BOY.BY EMILY S. OAKEY.Little Roy led his sheep down to pasture,And his cows, by the side of the brook;But his cows never drank any water,And his sheep never needed a crook.For the pasture was gay as a garden,And it glowed with a flowery red;But the meadows had never a grass-blade,And the brooklet—it slept in its bed;And it lay without sparkle or murmur,Nor reflected the blue of the... more...

by: Various
HANSA, THE LITTLE LAPP MAIDEN.BY KATHARINE LEE. Once upon a time, in a very small village on the borders of one of the great pine forests of Norway, there lived a wood-cutter, named Peder Olsen. He had built himself a little log-house, in which he dwelt with his twin boys, Olaf and Erik, and their little sister Olga. Merry, happy children were these three, full of life and health, and always ready for... more...

by: Various
FOREWORD During the year 1893 on the streets of Chicago were hundreds of women who had been thrown out of employment. The genuine helplessness and hopelessness of these women appealed strongly to the generous heart of a wonderful woman, Dr. Sarah Hackett Stevenson, one time president of the Chicago Woman's Club. She went before this club and stated that there was no place in this great city where... more...