Showing: 1321-1330 results of 1453

by: Various
HISTORICAL FACTS RELATIVE TO THE EARLY CONDITION OF THE ENGLISH.(For the Mirror.)London, in early times (King Ethelred's reign) consisted only of scattered buildings from Ludgate to Westminster, and none where the heart of the city now is; it was afterwards extended more westward and continued increasing—-eastward being neglected until a more later period. Who can view its present well... more...

by: Various
NOTES. THE MEANING OF "DRINK UP EISELL" IN HAMLET. Few passages have been more discussed than this wild challenge of Hamlet to Laertes at the grave of Ophelia: "Ham. I lov'd Ophelia! forty thousand brothers Could not, with all their quantity of love, Make up my sum. What wilt thou do for her? —Zounds! show me what thou'lt do? Woo't weep? Woo't fight? Woo't fast?... more...

by: Various
A HEAD CASE. We were discussing that much discussed question, whether it is better to be wounded in the leg or in the arm, when young Spilbury butted in. "I don't know about legs and arms," he said, "but I know there are certain advantages in having your head bound up." Spilbury's own head was bound up, and we all said at once that of course the head was much the worst place... more...

by: Various
SOME USES OF A CIVIL WAR. War is a great evil. We may confess that, at the start. The Peace Society has the argument its own way. The bloody field, the mangled dying, hoof-trampled into the reeking sod, the groans, and cries, and curses, the wrath, and hate, and madness, the horror and the hell of a great battle, are things no rhetoric can ever make lovely. The poet may weave his wreath of victory for... more...

by: Various
THE OUTLOOK. The debt-showing in our treasury has varied during the last few months. At the close of August, 1895, it reached its highest point during that fiscal year, amounting to $101,151.66. During the next three months it was reduced considerably below that highest figure; but now, at the close of December, it has reached the amount of $104,943.95. It would be difficult to show in detail the... more...

by: Various
CHAPTER I "Then I say, once for all, that priest shall never darken my doors again." "Then I say they are my doors, and not yours, and that holy man shall brighten them whenever he will." The gentleman and lady, who faced each other pale and furious, and interchanged this bitter defiance, were man and wife, and had loved each other well. Miss Catharine Peyton was a young lady of ancient... more...

by: Various
Mrs. Douglas was looking over her shopping list, and Lily Douglas was looking over her mother's shoulder. The Christmas Charity Fair was so soon to be held that Mrs. Douglas had a world of business to attend to, for of course her table must be full of pretty things suitable for the season. She was going out this morning to finish all her purchases, and Lily had been promised a corner of the... more...

by: Various
OPORTO.OPORTO.Persons who are looking for "news from the seat of war" will probably hail the timely appearance of this Engraving, and regard it as folks sitting at a play do a drop-scene between the acts. The reader knows our pacific politics: we are of the pen, not of the sword; but we cannot be indifferent to a great political result, when Old men, and beldams, in the streets Do prophesy upon... more...