Showing: 1161-1170 results of 1453

by: Various
The frequent observation of foreigners is, that in England we have few “celebrated women.” Perhaps they mean that we have few who are “notorious;” but let us admit that in either case they are right; and may we not express our belief in its being better for women and for the community that such is the case: “celebrity” rarely adds to the happiness of a woman, and almost as rarely increases... more...

by: Various
t was the ending of the ninth inning; the score stood 8 to 7 in Princeton's favor, but Harvard had only one man out, and the bases were full. Was it any wonder that the Freshmen couldn't keep their seats, and that the very air seemed to hold its breath while Bradfield, '98, twisted the ball? In the centre of the grand stand, where the orange and black was thickest, but the enthusiasm... more...

by: Various
Perhaps no one of those vast movements which are now going forward among mankind, and which mark so strikingly the industrial power and genius of the present age, is watched with more earnest interest by thinking men, than the successive steps of the progress by which the mechanical power of steam and machinery is gradually advancing, in its contest for the dominion of the seas. There is a double... more...

by: Various
The summer of 1814 was a troubled one for the people living in northern New York. English troops were concentrating at points just across the Canadian border, and there were rumors that they would soon invade the territory of the States. The farmers were being hastily drilled into militia companies—train-bands, as they were called; the women were anxious and frightened; the boys shared the general... more...

by: Various
When "Gilfillan's Gallery" first appeared, a copy of it was sent to an eminent lay-divine, the first sentence of whose reply was, "You have sent me a list of shipwrecks." It was but too true, for that "Gallery" contains the name of a Godwin, shipwrecked on a false system, and a Shelley, shipwrecked on an extravagant version of that false system—and a Hazlitt, shipwrecked... more...

by: Various
Being the youngest of all his children, I had not the privilege of knowing my father in his best and most joyous years, nor of remembering Greta Hall when the happiness of its circle was unbroken. Much labor and anxiety, and many sorrows, had passed over him; and although his natural buoyancy of spirit had not departed, it was greatly subdued, and I chiefly remember its gradual diminution from year to... more...

by: Various
HANDY DICTIONARY OF POETICAL A. Abashed. Abash'd the devil stood,And felt how awful goodness is, and sawVirtue in her shape how lovely.1MILTON:Par. Lost,Bk. iv., Line 846. Abbots. To happy convents bosom'd deep in vines,Where slumber abbots purple as their wines. POPE:Dunciad,Bk. iv., Line 301. Abdication. I give this heavy weight from off my head,And this unwieldy sceptre from my hand,The... more...

by: Various
GREY DOLPHIN. "He won't—won't he? Then bring me my boots," said the Baron. Consternation was at its height in the castle of Shurland—a catiff had dared to disobey the Baron; and—the Baron had called for his boots! A thunderbolt in the great hall had been a bagatelle to it. A few days before, a notable miracle had been wrought in the neighborhood; and in those times miracles were... more...

by: Various
There is a rumor that Spain will appeal to the Powers to help her in her Cuban war. It is said that she cannot conquer the Cubans without some aid, and, as she can look for none from the United States, she will appeal to the Powers. Spain, therefore, will try to convince Europe that she ought to receive the same kind of help that was given to Turkey, and that the Cuban Question is of the same nature as... more...

by: Various
The great event of the week has been the action of the Senate in passing the Morgan Bill, recognizing the belligerency of Cuba. Belligerency, as you doubtless remember, means being engaged in legitimate warfare. The resolution was passed by a vote of 41 to 14. The Morgan Bill, which was a joint resolution of both houses, was also brought up in the House of Representatives, but nothing was done with it.... more...