Toyokichi Iyenaga

Toyokichi Iyenaga
Toyokichi Iyenaga was a prominent Japanese-American political scientist and educator, who played a significant role in promoting understanding between Japan and the United States. He taught political science at the University of Chicago and was known for his scholarly works on international relations and East Asian affairs. Iyenaga authored books such as "Japan's Real Attitude Toward America" and "The Pacific Ocean in History," reflecting his expertise in Japan-U.S. diplomacy and history. His writings aimed to bridge cultural gaps and address misconceptions during a time of increasing global tensions.

Author's Books:

CHAPTER I. BEGINNING OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL MOVEMENT. The constitutional movement of Japan began in a spontaneous agitation of the whole body politic when the nation was irritated by the sudden contact with foreigners. The sense of national weakness added a force to this agitation. Had not the foreigners come, the Restoration might have been effected, feudalism might have been abolished, but the new... more...