Thomas Gent

Thomas Gent
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Author's Books:

POETIC SKETCHES ON THE DEATH OF LORD NELSON. Swift through the land while Fame transported flies,And shouts triumphant shake the illumin'd skies;Britannia, bending o'er her dauntless prows,With laurels thickening round her blazon'd brows,In joy dejected, sees her triumph crost,Exults in Victory won, but mourns the Victor lost.Immortal Nelson! still with fond amaze,Thy glorious deeds each... more...

POEMS. Tis sweet in boyhood's visionary mood,When glowing Fancy, innocently gay,Flings forth, like motes, her bright aƫrial brood,To dance and shine in Hope's prolific ray;'Tis sweet, unweeting how the flight of yearsMay darkling roll in trials and in tears,To dress the future in what garb we list,And shape the thousand joys that never may exist.But he, sad wight! of all that feverish... more...