Roy G. Krenkel

Roy G. Krenkel
Roy G. Krenkel (1918–1983) was an American illustrator and writer, known for his work in science fiction, fantasy, and historical genres. He gained recognition for his detailed and imaginative illustrations in works by Edgar Rice Burroughs and Robert E. Howard, particularly for books like "The Land That Time Forgot" and "At the Earth's Core." Krenkel was also a member of the influential "Fabulous Five," a group of prominent science fiction and fantasy artists of the 1950s and 1960s. His style, marked by intricate line work and classical influences, left a lasting impact on the genre, inspiring future generations of artists.

Author's Books:

arney Chard, thirty-seven—financier, entrepreneur, occasional blackmailer, occasional con man, and very competent in all these activities—stood on a rickety wooden lake dock, squinting against the late afternoon sun, and waiting for his current business prospect to give up the pretense of being interested in trying to catch fish. The prospect, who stood a few yards farther up the dock, rod in one... more...

As one of the Guardian ships protecting Earth, the crew had a problem to solve. Just how do you protect a race from an enemy who can take over a man's mind without seeming effort or warning? "That hand didn't move, did it?" Edwardson asked, standing at the port, looking at the stars. "No," Morse said. He had been staring fixedly at the Attison Detector for over an hour. Now he... more...

he faxgram read: REPORT MA IS INSTANTER GRAVIS. The news obelisk just off the express strip outside Mega Angeles' Galactic Survey Building was flashing: ONE OF OUR STAR SHIPS IS MISSING! Going up in the lift, I recalled what I had seen once scrawled upon the bulkhead of a GS trainer: Space is kind to those who respect her. And underneath, in different handwriting: Fear is the word, my boy. The... more...