Robert Bridges

Robert Bridges
Robert Bridges (1844–1930) was an English poet and the British Poet Laureate from 1913 to 1930. His poetry is known for its formal structure and musical quality, often drawing on classical traditions. Some of his notable works include "The Testament of Beauty" and "Shorter Poems," which reflect his deep interest in philosophy, religion, and the beauty of the natural world. Despite his long life and prestigious position, his work remains somewhat overshadowed by the more experimental poets of his era.

Author's Books:

What St. Augustin says of the emotion which he felt on hearing the music in the Portian basilica at Milan in the year 386 has always seemed to me a good illustration of the relativity of musical expression; I mean how much more its ethical significance depends on the musical experience of the hearer, than on any special accomplishment or intrinsic development of the art. Knowing of what kind that music... more...

ENGLISH HOMOPHONES Definition of homophone. When two or more words different in origin and signification are pronounced alike, whether they are alike or not in their spelling, they are said to be homophonous, or homophones of each other. Such words if spoken without context are of ambiguous signification. Homophone is strictly a relative term, but it is convenient to use it absolutely, and to call any... more...

OUR generation already is overpast,And thy lov'd legacy, Gerard, hath lainCoy in my home; as once thy heart was fainOf shelter, when God's terror held thee fastIn life's wild wood at Beauty and Sorrow aghast;Thy sainted sense tramme'd in ghostly pain,Thy rare ill-broker'd talent in disdain:Yet love of Christ will win man's love at last.  Hell wars without; but, dear, the... more...