Maud Diver

Maud Diver
Maud Diver (1867–1945) was an English writer known for her novels set in British India during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Her works, such as "Captain Desmond, V.C." and "Candles in the Wind," often explored themes of colonial life, military service, and relationships between British officers and their families. Diver's writing celebrated the British Empire and portrayed India through the lens of imperial ideals, which reflected the attitudes of her time. Though once popular, her work has become less well-known in modern literary discourse.

Author's Books:

CHAPTER I. "Thou art the sky, and thou art the nest as well."—Tagore.By the shimmer of blue under the beeches Roy knew that summer—"really truly summer!"—had come back at last. And summer meant picnics and strawberries and out-of-door lessons, and the lovely hot smell of pine-needles in the pine-wood, and the lovelier cool smell of moss cushions in the beech-wood—home of... more...

JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. "Do we move ourselves, or are moved by an Unseen Hand at a game?"—Tennyson. Honor Meredith folded her arms upon the window-ledge of the carriage and looked out into the night: a night of strange, unearthly beauty. The full moon hung low in the west like a lamp. A chequered mantle of light and shadow lay over the mountain-barrier of India's north-western frontier, and... more...

THE GREAT AMULET. PROLOGUE. I.   "The little more, and how much it is!    The little less, and what worlds away."        —Browning. No one in Zermatt dreamed that a wedding had been solemnised in the English church on that September afternoon of the early eighties. Tourists and townsfolk alike had been cheated of a legitimate thrill of interest and speculation. Nor would even... more...