Louis Zangwill

Louis Zangwill
Louis Zangwill (1869–1938) was a British novelist and short story writer, known for his diverse range of literary works. He was the brother of the famous author Israel Zangwill and gained recognition for his own unique style and storytelling. Louis Zangwill's most notable works include "The Beautiful Miss Brooke" (1897) and "Cleo the Magnificent" (1899), both showcasing his skill in character development and narrative intrigue. He also contributed to periodicals and magazines, offering literary criticism and essays alongside his fiction writing.

Author's Books:

I Miss Robinson had first seen Wyndham and fallen in love with him on the day that he appeared in the road as a neighbour and set up his studio there. But that was years before, and she had never made his acquaintance. He was the Prince Charming of the romances, handsome, of knightly bearing, with a winning smile on his frank face. From her magic window in the big corner house where the road branched... more...

CHAPTER I. It was past midnight, and both men were smoking leisurely by the study fireside. Morgan Druce sat just on the edge of a low chair, his long, slim body bent forward, his clean-shaven boyish face well within the glow of the fire. Though he appeared to be looking at it, he was only conscious of its warmth. Robert Ingram, middle-aged and bearded, lolled back in sensuous comfort. "The long... more...

CHAPTER I. The opening bars of a waltz sounded through the house above the irregular murmur of conversation, bearing their promise and summons along festal corridors and into garlanded nooks and alcoves. Paul Middleton drew a breath of relief as the girl to whom he had been talking was carried off to dance, for she had bored him intolerably. The refreshment room, crowded a moment ago, was thinning... more...