Louis J. (Louis John) Stellman

Louis J. (Louis John) Stellman
Louis John Stellman (1877–1961) was an American writer, photographer, and artist known for chronicling life in San Francisco, particularly its Chinatown and waterfront. He authored several books, including "Sam Brannan, Builder of San Francisco," a biography of the early California pioneer. Stellman also wrote "Port O' Gold," a romantic novel set during the California Gold Rush. His photography and illustrations often complemented his writings, capturing the unique cultural landscape of the region.

Author's Books:

Influence of the Pipe. "I see, by a recent paper," said the Observer, as he lit another cigar and resettled himself in his chair, "that a Chicago physician and a lot of fool women, who are evidently jealous of Carrie Nation, are about to start an active crusade against the 'Smoke Nuisance.' This is ambiguous enough to warrant the supposition that their object is the compulsory... more...

CHAPTER I YERBA BUENA It was 1845. Three quarters of a century had passed since young Francisco Garvez, as he rode beside Portola's chief of Scouts, glimpsed the mystic vision of a city rising from the sandy shores of San Francisco Bay. Garvez, so tradition held, had taken for his spouse an Indian maiden educated by the mission padres of far San Diego. For his service as soldado of old Spain he... more...