Lewis Gaylord Clark

Lewis Gaylord Clark
Lewis Gaylord Clark was a 19th-century American writer and editor best known for his long tenure as editor of the influential literary magazine "The Knickerbocker." He served as editor from 1834 to 1861, shaping the magazine's reputation for wit, humor, and literary quality. Clark also authored several works, including "Knickerbocker Sketch-Book" and "Glimpses of the Old World," which contained his travel writings and essays. His twin brother, Willis Gaylord Clark, was also a noted poet and journalist.

Author's Books:

THE PLAGUE AT CONSTANTINOPLE. BY AN EYE-WITNESS. In 1837 I was a resident in Galata, one of the faubourgs of Constantinople, sufficiently near the scenes of death caused by the ravages of the plague to be thoroughly acquainted with them, and yet to be separated from the Turkish part of the population of that immense city. It is not material to the present sketch to dwell upon the subject of my previous... more...

This question has often been asked but seldom answered satisfactorily. Newspaper editors and correspondents have frequently attempted a practical elucidation of the mystery, by quoting from their own brains the rarest piece of absurdity which they could imagine, and entitling it ‘Transcendentalism.’ One good hit of this kind may be well enough, by way of satire upon the fogginess of certain writers... more...

The following article has been compiled from the different works of Thomas Carlyle, and embodies all he has written, or at least published, about Napoleon Bonaparte. We offer it in the absence of a more elaborate work on this subject, which we hope one day to see from the pen of this gifted and earnest writer. It is a glimpse of the insight of the clearest-headed Seer of our age, into the noisiest... more...