Showing: 31-35 results of 35

The recent despatches from India tell us that the soldiers who are fighting on the frontier have performed another gallant deed. The heroes, this time, belonged to the Northamptonshire regiment. It was necessary for the British to find out if the enemy was encamped anywhere in the neighborhood, so a portion of the troops left the British camp and marched to the summit of a mountain called Saran Sar.... more...

When we take up our history books and read the accounts of the great deeds that have been done, we are very apt to wonder how the people felt in those times, and if it was not much more exciting to live history than it is to learn it. We have an opportunity of judging for ourselves how it feels, for we are now living through a very important chapter of history. Cuba, Turkey, Haiti, and Hawaii are all... more...

This has been an exciting week for Cuban matters. We told you that we might expect to hear more from Mr. Taylor's article on Cuba in The North American Review. We were quite right in our supposition. The Madrid papers took the matter up indignantly, and it has been the main point of interest during the last few days. If you remember, we told you that Mr. Taylor said, in his article, that Spain did... more...

...PREMIUMS... TO ANY ONE SENDING US 4 NEW SUBSCRIBERS A Pocket Kodak Measures 2-1/4 x 2-7/8 x 3-7/8 inches, makes a picture 1-1/2 x 2 inches, and weighs only 5 ounces. Delivered ready for 12 exposures without reloading. The Lens is of the fixed focus type, and of sufficient length of focus (2-1/2 inches) to avoid distortion. Has improved rotary shutter and set of three stops for lens. The slides for... more...

The new Prime Minister of Spain is SeƱor Sagasta. After several days of uncertainty the Queen decided to appoint him. No sooner was her decision known than a report was circulated that Weyler had sent in his resignation; it was also rumored that Sagasta had stated that one of his first official acts would be to remove Weyler from Cuba. The truth of the matter is that Weyler does not intend to leave... more...