Showing: 11-20 results of 35

The peace negotiations are settled; that is to say, the plans suggested by Lord Salisbury, and agreed to by the Powers, have also been accepted by the Sultan. On the 18th of September, after a conference of three hours, the ambassadors and Tewfik Pasha signed their names to the treaty. As soon as this was done, Tewfik carried the document to the palace and obtained the Sultan's signature also.... more...

The President has sent his first message to Congress. In it he says that he is very sorry to call an extra session of Congress, but he feels it his duty to do so, because he finds the money affairs of the country in a very bad condition, and thinks it is necessary for Congress to take some immediate steps to find a remedy. It would seem that since June, 1893, the yearly, and even the monthly, expenses... more...

Germany is furnishing us with some interesting news this week. She has successfully accomplished something which, to simple folks who are not diplomatists, seems like a plain, every-day case of robbery. Here is the story of it, and you can judge for yourselves. Some German missionaries have been killed in China, and Germany has seized a Chinese port in revenge. Missionaries are, as you know, holy and... more...

It is said that the unfortunate Princess Charlotte of Belgium is to be taken over to Mexico, in the hope that a visit to the scenes of her former happiness may restore her reason. Her story brings back to memory a very sad and interesting page of our modern history. Princess Charlotte, the daughter of Leopold I., King of the Belgians, was the most accomplished and beautiful princess of her time. She... more...

The Armenians in Turkey are becoming restless once more. They say they have waited long enough for the promised reforms, and as the Sultan has made none of the proposed changes, they have once again shown their hatred for him and his rule by resorting to that most cowardly of weapons, a dynamite bomb. One day last week all Constantinople was alarmed by the noise of several loud explosions. It was soon... more...

England is preparing to send an expedition into the Soudan to reconquer the province of Dongola, which was lost during the revolt of the Mahdi in 1881-85. Many of you have probably heard all about the Soudan war, in which the brave General Gordon lost his life. But that you may understand the matter fully, it will perhaps be as well to go over it again. The Soudan is a vast tract of land in Africa, the... more...

...PREMIUMS... TO ANY ONE SENDING US 4 NEW SUBSCRIBERS A Pocket Kodak Measures 2-1/4 x 2-7/8 x 3-7/8 inches, makes a picture 1-1/2 x 2 inches, and weighs only 5 ounces. Delivered ready for 12 exposures without reloading. The Lens is of the fixed focus type, and of sufficient length of focus (2-1/2 inches) to avoid distortion. Has improved rotary shutter and set of three stops for lens. The slides for... more...

It is said that the Sultan of Turkey has at last made up his mind to do something for the Armenians, and has ordered that a commission visit the villages that have suffered from the massacres, and make a careful note of the schools, churches, and monasteries which have been destroyed. This Royal Commission is composed of two Mussulmans, three Armenians, and one Greek. It is to start immediately, and... more...

The troubles in Austria have not been brought to a close by the downfall of Count Badeni and the appointment of Baron von Gautsch. Count Badeni was, as you will remember, particularly obnoxious to the German element in Austria, and many people thought that his dismissal would restore harmony. Instead, it has given rise to some very serious rioting in Bohemia. We explained to you in a former number that... more...

There was a very disquieting rumor last week to the effect that England had refused to take part in the Seal Conference. The reason given for her refusal was that she could not join in the discussion if Russia and Japan were admitted to it. At the British Foreign Office, which is the department of the Government that has the charge of such matters, the officials refused to say positively whether Great... more...