John Wood Campbell

John Wood Campbell
John Wood Campbell was a highly influential American science fiction writer and editor, best known for shaping the "Golden Age of Science Fiction" during the 1930s and 1940s. He is recognized for his role as the long-time editor of "Astounding Science Fiction" (later renamed "Analog Science Fiction and Fact"), where he mentored many legendary authors like Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein. His notable works include the novella "Who Goes There?", which inspired several film adaptations such as "The Thing". Campbell's editorial vision emphasized scientific accuracy and complex character development, which greatly impacted the genre's evolution.

Author's Books:

INVADERS Russ Evans, Pilot 3497, Rocket Squad Patrol 34, unsnapped his seat belt, and with a slight push floated "up" into the air inside the weightless ship. He stretched himself, and yawned broadly. "Red, how soon do we eat?" he called. "Shut up, you'll wake the others," replied a low voice from the rear of the swift little patrol ship. "See anything?"... more...

Patrol Cruiser "IP-T 247" circling out toward Pluto on leisurely inspection tour to visit the outpost miners there, was in no hurry at all as she loafed along. Her six-man crew was taking it very easy, and easy meant two-man watches, and low speed, to watch for the instrument panel and attend ship into the bargain. She was about thirty million miles off Pluto, just beginning to get in touch... more...

THREE AGAINST THE STARS A sky pirate armed with superior weapons of his own invention.... First contact with an alien race dangerous enough to threaten the safety of two planets.... The arrival of an unseen dark sun whose attendant marauders aimed at the very end of civilization in this Solar System.... These were the three challenges that tested the skill and minds of the brilliant team of... more...

I am the last of my type existing today in all the Solar System. I, too, am the last existing who, in memory, sees the struggle for this System, and in memory I am still close to the Center of Rulers, for mine was the ruling type then. But I will pass soon, and with me will pass the last of my kind, a poor inefficient type, but yet the creators of those who are now, and will be, long after I pass... more...