John Turvill Adams

John Turvill Adams
John Turvill Adams was a 19th-century American writer known for his novel "The Lost Hunter: A Tale of Early Times." Published in 1856, the novel is a blend of romance, adventure, and psychological insight, set in New England. Adams also wrote "The Knight of the Golden Melice" (1857), a historical novel about early colonial Massachusetts. Despite his modest literary output, Adams contributed to the rich tradition of early American fiction, focusing on regional themes and historical settings.

Author's Books:

CHAPTER I.   At last the golden orientall gate    Of greatest heaven gan to open fayre,  And Phoebus fresh as brydegrome to his mate,    Came dauncing forth, shaking his deawie hayre,  And hurld his glistening beams through gloomy ayre. SPENSER'S FAERY QUEENE. It was a lovely morning in the autumn of the year of grace 18—. The beams of the sun had not yet fallen upon the light veil... more...

INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. He cast, (of which we rather boast,) The Gospel's pearl upon our coast, And in these rocks for us did frame A temple where to sound His name. O let our voice His praise exalt Till it arrive at Heaven's vault, Which there perhaps rebounding may Echo beyond the Mexic bay. Thus sang they, in the English boat, A holy and a cheerful note, And all the way to guide their chime,... more...