John Maurice Miller

John Maurice Miller
John Maurice Miller was an American writer best known for his book "Philippine Folklore Stories," published in 1904. This collection of stories captures traditional Philippine legends and folktales, offering insight into the rich cultural heritage of the country. Miller's writing helped preserve and share Philippine folklore with English-speaking audiences during the early 20th century. His work remains a valuable contribution to the study of folklore and cross-cultural literature.

Author's Books:

The Tobacco of Harisaboqued A legend of the volcano of Canlaon on the island of Negros. It is told generally in Western Negros and Eastern Cebu. The volcano is still active, and smoke and steam rise from its crater. Long before the strange men came over the water from Spain, there lived in Negros, on the mountain of Canlaon, an old man who had great power over all the things in the earth. He was called... more...

CHAPTER I. WHY NELLIE SHOWS NED ROUND. Nellie was waiting for Ned, not in the best of humours. "I suppose he'll get drunk to celebrate it," she was saying, energetically drying the last cup with a corner of the damp cloth. "And I suppose she feels as though it's something to be very glad and proud about." "Well, Nellie," answered the woman who had been rinsing the... more...