Jacob Dolson Cox

Jacob Dolson Cox
Jacob Dolson Cox (1828–1900) was an American politician, lawyer, Union Army general during the Civil War, and author. He served as the Governor of Ohio and later as U.S. Secretary of the Interior under President Ulysses S. Grant. Cox was also a prolific writer, known for his works on military history and his experiences in the Civil War, including "Military Reminiscences of the Civil War" and "Atlanta." His insightful writings made significant contributions to the historical record of the Civil War era.

Author's Books:

GRANT IN COMMAND—ROSECRANS RELIEVED Importance of unity in command—Inevitable difficulties in a double organization—Burnside's problem different from that of Rosecrans—Cooperation necessarily imperfect—Growth of Grant's reputation—Solid grounds of it—Special orders sent him—Voyage to Cairo—Meets Stanton at Louisville—Division of the Mississippi created—It included... more...

THE OUTBREAK OF THE WAR Ohio Senate April 12--Sumter bombarded--"Glory to God!"--The surrender--Effect on public sentiment--Call for troops--Politicians changing front--David Tod--Stephen A. Douglas--The insurrection must be crushed--Garfield on personal duty--Troops organized by the States--The militia--Unpreparedness--McClellan at Columbus--Meets Governor Dennison--Put in command--Our stock... more...