Showing: 11-13 results of 13

THE POLITY OF THE ATHENIANSINow, as concerning the Polity of the Athenians, (1) and the type or manner of constitution which they have chosen, (2) I praise it not, in so far as the very choice involves the welfare of the baser folk as opposed to that of the better class. I repeat, I withhold my praise so far; but, given the fact that this is the type agreed upon, I propose to show that they set about... more...

WAYS AND MEANS A Pamphlet On RevenuesIFor myself I hold to the opinion that the qualities of the leading statesmen in a state, whatever they be, are reproduced in the character of the constitution itself. (1) (1) "Like minister, like government." For the same idea more fullyexpressed, see "Cyrop." VIII. i. 8; viii. 5. As, however, it has been maintained by certain leading statesmen in... more...

ON HORSEMANSHIPIClaiming to have attained some proficiency in horsemanship (1) ourselves, as the result of long experience in the field, our wish is to explain, for the benefit of our younger friends, what we conceive to be the most correct method of dealing with horses. (1) Lit. "Since, through the accident of having for a long time'ridden' ourselves, we believe we have become... more...