Henry Baerlein

Henry Baerlein
Henry Baerlein was a British writer and translator known for his works on history, travel, and Balkan politics. He authored several books, including "In the Land of Mosques and Minarets," which explored his travels in the Ottoman Empire, and "The Birth of Yugoslavia," a detailed study of the political changes in the Balkans. Baerlein's writings often reflected his deep interest in the cultural and political landscapes of Eastern Europe and the Middle East. His work contributed to a broader understanding of these regions during the early 20th century.

Author's Books:

With the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian army, the Serbs and Croats and Slovenes saw that one other obstacle to their long-hoped-for union had vanished. The dream of centuries was now a little nearer towards fulfilment. But many obstacles remained. There would presumably be opposition on the part of the Italian and Roumanian Governments, for it was too much to hope that these would waive the... more...

PREFACE On a mild February afternoon I was waiting for the train at a wayside station in north-western Banat. So unimportant was that station that it was connected neither by telegraph nor telephone with any other station, and thus there was no means of knowing how long I would have to wait. The movements of the train in those parts could never, so I gathered, be foretold, and on that afternoon it was... more...