Edmondo De Amicis

Edmondo De Amicis
Edmondo De Amicis (1846–1908) was an Italian novelist, journalist, and former military officer, best known for his novel "Cuore" (Heart), which became a cornerstone of children's literature in Italy. Published in 1886, "Cuore" is a diary of a young boy's life at school, emphasizing moral and civic education. De Amicis was also a prolific travel writer, with works like "Spain" and "Morocco," reflecting his experiences abroad. His writings often conveyed a strong sense of patriotism, humanism, and social responsibility.

Author's Books:

OCTOBER. FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. Monday, 17th. To-day is the first day of school. These three months of vacation in the country have passed like a dream. This morning my mother conducted me to the Baretti schoolhouse to have me enter for the third elementary course: I was thinking of the country and went unwillingly. All the streets were swarming with boys: the two book-shops were thronged with fathers... more...

HOLLAND. ONE who looks for the first time at a large map of Holland must be amazed to think that a country so made can exist. At first sight, it is impossible to say whether land or water predominates, and whether Holland belongs to the continent or to the sea. Its jagged and narrow coast-line, its deep bays and wide rivers, which seem to have lost the outer semblance of rivers and to be carrying fresh... more...