E. H. (Edmund Hort) New

E. H. (Edmund Hort) New
Edmund Hort New (1871–1931) was an English artist and book illustrator associated with the Arts and Crafts movement. He is particularly known for his detailed pen-and-ink drawings, which adorned numerous books during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Among his notable works is the illustration of William Morris's "News from Nowhere" and the popular series of guidebooks "Bell's Cathedral Series." New's style emphasized intricate line work and a strong sense of design, drawing inspiration from the Pre-Raphaelite and medieval traditions.

Author's Books:

CHAPTER I THE COURTS AND BUILDINGS S t. John's College was founded in 1511, in pursuance of the intentions of the Lady Margaret Beaufort, mother of King Henry VII. Approaching the College from the street we enter by the Great Gate. The gateway with its four towers is the best example of the characteristic Cambridge gate, and dates from the foundation of the College. It is built of red brick (the... more...

INTRODUCTION I. Situation, Extent and Boundaries Hertfordshire, or Herts, is a county in the S.E. of England. On the S. it is bounded by Middlesex; on the S.W. by Buckinghamshire; on the N.W. by Bedfordshire; on the N. by Cambridgeshire; on the E. by Essex. Its extreme measurement from due E. to W., say from Little Hyde Hall to Puttenham, is about 38 miles; from N. to S., from Mobb’s Hole at the top... more...

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Yonder lies our ... village—Art and Grace are less and less: Science grows and Beauty dwindles—roofs of slated hideousness! —LOCKSLEY HALL, SIXTY YEARS AFTER Those who love with a deep reverence the work of their forefathers, whether because of the character and beauty of their handiwork, or from the historical associations which are indissolubly connected with it, cannot... more...