Showing: 91-98 results of 98

Diejenigen, die ein spirituelles Leben führen möchten, können sich natürlich dazu inspirieren lassen, in Frieden und Gewaltlosigkeit zu leben. Um spirituelle Praktiken zu lernen, um diese Werte zu entwickeln, kann man sich an spirituelle Lehrer und an verschiedene Religionen wenden. Es ist jedoch nicht immer so einfach, das spirituelle Bewusstsein zu kultivieren, wie es scheint - insbesondere in... more...

¿Acaso nos quejamos a la alcantarilla cuando ésta huele mal? De la misma manera, hay gente que es desagradable y negativa como una alcantarilla. Todo lo que huele mal lo llamamos alcantarilla y a todo lo que huela bien lo llamamos una flor. Adáptate a ambos olores. Estas dos situaciones te están diciendo : “Conviértete en un Vitraag (en un ser libre de apego y de aversión) con nosotros (el mal y... more...

As much as we would prefer otherwise, conflict seems woven into the very fabric of life. On a daily basis, we find ourselves dealing with difficult people, facing unhealthy relationships, or suffering marriage problems. We might say that some of our relationships are the very definition of conflict! While asking ourselves how to adjust in these circumstances, and how to handle conflict, we remain... more...

Those seeking to lead a spiritual life may naturally become inspired to live in peace and non violence. To learn spiritual practices to develop these values, one may turn to spiritual teachers, and to variety of religion. But beginning to cultivate spiritual awareness is not always as simple as it seems – especially in family / unhealthy relationships, or while dealing with difficult people. Daily... more...

The word 'addiction' has become so common in this period that many people are somehow involved in this. What is addiction really, how does it happen, what is its basis and how to overcome it etc. In this book, Dadashri has shown various ways to get rid of addiction. One of the remedies is the four-step technique. A unique way, in which (1) To make a strong resolve that addiction is wrong, (2)... more...

In moments of reflection, it is only natural to wonder what is the true purpose in life and to ask, behind the constant efforts made just in “living”, what is it that we are seeking? In the book “Self Realization”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan reveals the science of Self realization, describing that attaining knowledge of Self is ultimate life purpose, and is the... more...

Who hasn’t asked themselves what there is to life beyond just living? What is true purpose in life? There must be higher purpose than just living… In the book “Who am I?”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan describes that one’s ultimate life purpose is to find an answer to the age-old unanswered question of spiritual seekers: Who am I, and who is the ‘doer’ of all... more...

Money has its own importance in our life. The world considers money and wealth as one of the most important thing in life. People have more love for money because it is needed in everything they do. That is why there is fight all around the world to get more money, by ethical or unethical means. People have been bothered by the uneven distribution of money and wealth. In this dangerous era of Kaliyug,... more...