William Tyndale

William Tyndale
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Author's Books:

The first Chapter. The word of the lord came unto the prophet Jonas the son of Amithai saying: rise and get thee to Nineve that great city and preach unto them, how that their wickedness is come up before me. And Jonas made him ready to flee to Tharsis from the presence of the lord, and gat him down to Joppe, and found there a ship ready to go to Tharsis, and paid his fare, and went aboard, to go with... more...

W. T. vn to the Christen reader. As y Ä“vious Philistenes stopped y welles of Abraham ād filled them vpp with erth / to put y memoriall out of mÄ«de / to y entent y they might chalenge y grounde: even so the fleshly mÄ«ded ypocrites stoppe vpp the vaynes of life which are in y scripture / w the erth of theyr tradiciōs / false similitudes & lienge allegories:... more...