W. P. (William Price) Craighill

W. P. (William Price) Craighill
William Price Craighill was a distinguished American military officer and engineer, known for his contributions to military literature. He served as a brigadier general in the U.S. Army and authored several influential books on military tactics and engineering, including "Army Officer's Pocket Companion." His works provided essential guidance for military professionals and reflected his extensive expertise in both engineering and military strategy.

Author's Books:

CHAPTER I. STATESMANSHIP IN ITS RELATION TO WAR. Under this head are included those considerations from which a statesman concludes whether a war is proper, opportune, or indispensable, and determines the various operations necessary to attain the object of the war. A government goes to war,— To reclaim certain rights or to defend them; To protect and maintain the great interests of the state, as... more...