Ticul Alvarez

Ticul Alvarez
Ticul Álvarez was a Cuban poet, essayist, and journalist, known for his contributions to Cuban literature and culture. His works often reflected deep nationalistic sentiment and explored themes of identity, history, and social justice. Among his notable publications are "Las Horas" and "Islas y Tesoros," which showcase his lyrical style and insightful reflections on Cuban life. Álvarez's writing remains influential in Cuban literary circles for its blend of poetic elegance and intellectual depth.

Author's Books:

In 1928 when Miller and Allen (Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 144) published their revisionary account of American bats of the genus Myotis, the black myotis, Myotis nigricans, was known no farther north than Chiapas and Campeche. Collections of mammals made in recent years for the Museum of Natural History of The University of Kansas include specimens of M. nigricans from eastern Mexico as far north as... more...

In several of the past twelve years field parties from the Museum of Natural History have collected mammals in the Mexican state of Sinaloa. Most of the collections contained only a modest number of specimens because they were made by groups that stopped for short periods on their way to or from other areas, but several collections are extensive. Field work by representatives of this institution now is... more...

Saussure (1860) described Peromyscus aztecus from southern México. Osgood (1909) by comparison of one of Saussure's specimens with some from Mirador, Veracruz, concluded that aztecus was a subspecies of P. boylii. Dalquest (1953) incorrectly reported specimens of P. boylii from San Luis Potosí as P. b. aztecus. Merriam (1898) named Peromyscus levipes from Mt. Malinche, Tlaxcala. Thomas... more...