Thomas Sherlock

Thomas Sherlock
Thomas Sherlock (1678–1761) was an influential English churchman and writer, known for his theological works. He served as the Bishop of Bangor, Salisbury, and later London, contributing significantly to religious debates of his time. His most famous work is "The Trial of the Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus," which defended the authenticity of the resurrection through a legal framework. Sherlock's writings addressed key religious controversies, such as the deism debate, and solidified his reputation as a prominent apologist for Anglican Christianity.

Author's Books:

The Relation I stand in to you, is a daily Call upon me to consider the spiritual State of these great Cities; and tho' I doubt not but God has many faithful and chosen Servants among you, yet the general View of the Wickedness and Corruption that abound, and are spreading far and wide, gives me, and must give to every serious Christian very painful Reflexions: It is hardly possible to think of... more...

THET R I A LOF THEWITNESSESOF THEResurrection of Jesus We were, not long since, some Gentlemen of the inns of court together, each to other so well known, that no man's presence was a confinement to any other, from speaking his mind on any subject that happened to arise in conversation. The meeting was without design, and the discourse, as in like cases, various. Among other things we fell upon... more...