Thomas Fogarty

Thomas Fogarty
Thomas Fogarty was an American illustrator known for his work in magazines, books, and advertisements during the early 20th century. He notably contributed to popular magazines such as "Harper's Weekly" and "Scribner's", where his illustrations helped define the visual style of the era. Fogarty also illustrated books, including "The Virginian" by Owen Wister, which showcased his ability to capture characters and scenes with dynamic, expressive detail. Additionally, he was a respected art instructor, teaching at the Art Students League of New York, where he influenced a generation of artists, including Norman Rockwell.

Author's Books:

All my life I had dreamed of owning a brook ust below the brow of the hill one of the traces broke (it was in the horse-and-wagon days of a dozen years or so ago), and, if our driver had not been a prompt man our adventure might have come to grief when it was scarcely begun. As it was, we climbed on foot to the top, and waited while he went into a poor old wreck of a house to borrow a string for... more...

OH, SUSANNAH! Somewhere in this book I must write a paragraph exclusively about myself. The fact that in the outcome of all these stirring events I have ended as a mere bookkeeper is perhaps a good reason why one paragraph will be enough. In my youth I had dreams a-plenty; but the event and the peculiar twist of my own temperament prevented their fulfilment. Perhaps in a more squeamish age–and yet... more...

CHAPTER I I DISCOVER THE PRINTING-OFFICE For years my sister Harriet and I confined our relationships with the neighbouring town of Hempfield to the Biblical "yea, yea" and "nay, nay," not knowing how much we missed, and used its friendly people as one might use an inanimate plough or an insensate rolling-pin, as mere implements or adjuncts in the provision of food or clothing for our... more...