Sydney George Fisher

Sydney George Fisher
Sydney George Fisher (1856–1927) was an American historian and author known for his works on U.S. history, particularly the Revolutionary War and early American politics. His most notable books include "The True History of the American Revolution" and "The Struggle for American Independence," in which he challenged traditional narratives of these events. Fisher's scholarship was marked by meticulous research and a critical approach to understanding historical figures and events. He also wrote on constitutional law and was a strong advocate for preserving historical accuracy in the retelling of America's founding.

Author's Books:

This analysis of the life and character of Franklin has in view a similar object to that of the volume entitled “The True George Washington,” which was prepared for the publishers by Mr. Paul Leicester Ford and issued a year or two ago. Washington sadly needed to be humanized, to be rescued from the myth-making process which had been destroying all that was lovable in his character and turning him... more...

Charles Francis Adams, Esq.,Boston, Massachusetts. Dear Sir: I have been handed a pamphlet written by you entitled "The Confederacy and the Transvaal," the burden of which is, that the Boers ought not to continue their irregular guerilla struggle against England, because it is destructive of themselves and wasteful of England's resources; or to use your own words "the contest drags... more...

Chapter I. The Birth Of Pennsylvania In 1661, the year after Charles II was restored to the throne of England, William Penn was a seventeen-year-old student at Christ Church, Oxford. His father, a distinguished admiral in high favor at Court, had abandoned his erstwhile friends and had aided in restoring King Charlie to his own again. Young William was associating with the sons of the aristocracy and... more...