Samuel Adams Drake

Samuel Adams Drake
Samuel Adams Drake (1833–1905) was an American journalist, historian, and author known for his detailed works on American history, particularly focusing on colonial and Revolutionary War periods. He wrote numerous historical books, including "Old Landmarks and Historic Personages of Boston" and "A Book of New England Legends and Folk Lore." Drake's work is recognized for its rich descriptions of historical events and places, often emphasizing local history and folklore. His passion for preserving the stories of early America made him a prominent figure in 19th-century historical writing.

Author's Books:

PRELUDE Seldom, in the annals of war, has a single campaign witnessed such a remarkable series of reverses as did that which began at Boston in March, 1776, and ended at Morristown in January, 1777. Only by successive defeats did our home-made generals and our rustic soldiery learn their costly lesson that war is not a game of chance, or mere masses of men an army. Though costly, this sort of... more...

INTRODUCTION Among the decisive events of the Revolutionary struggle, Burgoyne's campaign deservedly holds the foremost place, as well for what it led to, as for what it was in inception and execution—at once the most daring, most quixotic, and most disastrous effort of the whole war. Burgoyne was himself, in some respects, so remarkable a man that any picture of his exploits must needs be more... more...