S. L. (Samuel Levy) Bensusan

S. L. (Samuel Levy) Bensusan
Samuel Levy Bensusan (1872-1958) was a British writer, biographer, and critic known for his works on rural life and art. He wrote numerous books, including "Morocco" (1904) and "Charles Lamb: His Life and the World He Lived In" (1909), focusing on diverse subjects such as travel, history, and literature. Bensusan was also a prominent art critic, contributing essays and reviews to various publications. His writing often reflected his fascination with nature and his deep connection to the English countryside.

Author's Books:

CHAPTER I BY CAPE SPARTELOver the meadows that blossom and witherRings but the note of a sea-bird's song,Only the sun and the rain come hitherAll year long. The Deserted Garden. Before us the Atlantic rolls to the verge of the "tideless, dolorous inland sea." In the little bay lying between Morocco's solitary lighthouse and the famous Caves of Spartel, the waters shine in colours that... more...

PREFACE In telling the story of Shakespeare's life and work within strict limits of space, an attempt has been made to keep closely to essential matters. There is no period of the poet's life, there is no branch of his marvellous work, that has not been the subject of long and learned volumes, no single play that has not been discussed at greater length than serves here to cover the chief... more...

It is a curious truth that Spain in these days of her decline exercises almost as much control over the mind of the world as she exercised over its territories in the days of her great empire. Cervantes in literature and Velazquez in art seem destined to secure for their country a measure of immortality that throws into the background the memory of such people as Carlos Quinto, Philip II., and those... more...