Ralph Chaplin

Ralph Chaplin
Ralph Chaplin (1887–1961) was an American writer, labor activist, and poet, best known for his involvement with the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). He wrote the iconic labor anthem "Solidarity Forever," which became a key song of the labor movement. Chaplin was also a prolific writer, publishing works like "Bars and Shadows: The Prison Poems" after being imprisoned for his activism. His writings and activism reflected his strong commitment to workers' rights and social justice.

Author's Books:

INTRODUCTION I. Ralph Chaplin is serving a twenty year sentence in the Federal Penitentiary, not as a punishment for any act of violence against person or property, but solely for the expression of his opinions. Chaplin, together with a number of fellow prisoners who were sentenced at the same time, was accused of taking part in a conspiracy with intent to obstruct the prosecution of the war. To be... more...

The mob stopped suddenly, astounded at the unexpected opposition. Out of hundreds of halls that had been raided during the past two years this was the first time the union men had attempted to defend themselves. It had evidently been planned to stampede the entire contingent into the attack by having the secret committeemen take the lead from both ends and the middle. But before this could happen the... more...